Sunday, July 26, 2009

o Game Downloads Cost Too Much?

Last week I logged into the PlayStation Store to download two games: Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! (watch for a review later this week), and Myst. While I hesitated a little over the $19.99 USD price tag on Badman, it was only for a moment. After all, twenty bucks is pretty cheap for a PSP game.

The same price tag on Myst made me hesitate so long I haven't bought the game yet, though I suspect I'll cave in eventually. If Myst was brand new, I'd have bought it in an instant. But it's a sixteen year old game ported to a new platform. OK, the be fair, it includes the Rime Age, but even that is nine years old.

So all of this got me thinking about how game downloads are priced, and about Sony's plans for having UMD games and their PlayStation Store versions priced the same for the launch of the PSPgo. So I have to ask: Once you read the article, there's a link for adding your own arguments to the fray. Tell me what you think. Are downloadable games fairly priced?

Edit: Technical problems are all fixed, so go ahead and click on the article.

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