Sunday, July 26, 2009

Assassin's Creed Entertainment Pack Update

The Assassin's Creed Entertainment Pack has been listed on for quite a while, but the listing was never specific about the contents, and showed it as coming with a black PSP-3000. Now the PlayStation.Blog has a small update: the pack actually comes with a white PSP-3000, and will also include a so far unspecified movie on UMD and a 2 GB memory stick.

I was starting to think I'd break down and just go buy a PSP-3000 core pack, since this one doesn't come out until after the PSPgo is released, at which point I'll want a PSPgo. But since the PSP is going to be white, I think I will wait. After all, my PSP-1000 is black and my PSP-2000 is silver, so I might as well continue the sequence. Or something. I guess I'll start over again with black when the PSPgo comes out in October.

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